Hamburg Cathedral Boulevard
East and Caruso St John Architect was invited by Hamburg City Council to participate in an ideas competition for the future of the “Domachse,” a crucial north-south series of streets that connect the historic city centre and the Binnenalster Lake to the Elbe and the HafenCity development. The city centre will evolve from its current commercial and office uses to include more housing, while the HafenCity development will reach a new phase, with significant amounts of housing made available. Together, these changes will create a more liveable, densely-populated part of the city, through which the Domachse will be the prime avenue. Today, the street is dominated by car traffic, offering an unpleasant cycle route, and convoluted pedestrian experience with little sense of continuity. We propose a bold double avenue of trees that will improve this journey for cyclists and pedestrians and spaces for new cultural institutions along the way.
Hamburg City Council
Public Realm improvement connecting Alster and Elbe
Caruso St John Architects