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Rainham Presence

The mediaeval village of Rainham on the eastern reaches of London is a profoundly rich and layered place; we have been adding to those layers over several years. Project scales range from strategic through to detailed, sometimes intimately experienced, outcomes. The scope of the work covers the fine-grained and historically significant village centre, the surrounding spaces, the marshes and the river edges. To list the projects is a pleasure for us:

  • A public realm strategy and setting out a shopping list of projects to help structure public access and use for public benefit
  • A new public space and route linking Tesco to Village
  • A new town square, with civic piece of furniture The Cardinal Seat, with artist Mark Pimlott
  • A new community garden and structure, designed with artist Mark Pimlott: ‘Railing Hall’
  • The Three Crowns. A design for a golden clad café to attract riverside visitors and provide amenity for workers at the Murex industrial site opposite.
  • River edge access improvements
    A library garden and transport interchange.

Havering Council and Greater London Authority

Public Realm and Community improvements


Key collaborators:
Mark Pimlott, Maccreanor Lavington Architects

Jakob Spriestersbach and Jason Orton

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